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    The classification of the protozoa on this page is quite outdated and somewhat arbitrary (and incomplete: I only showed the genera I have encountered so far). It follows the systematic classification in the 'How to know protozoa' book by Jahn et al (1979). For every genus, two contemporary taxonomical sources are cited: Integrated Taxonomy Information System and NCBI Taxonomy Browser (where available).

Also, you can browse the alphabetical list of all genera.

Phylum Ciliophora

   Ciliates are the most complex group of protozoa. Their cell body is covered with cilia. The cilia sometimes differentiate into unique structures like cirri or membranelles. Ciliates have two kinds of nuclei: macro- and micronuclei.

Class Hymenostomea
They have small membranelles. in a lateral cavity, sometimes an undulating membrane undulating membrane on a border of the buccal cavity.

 •  Cyclidium
 •  Disematostoma
 •  Frontonia
 •  Ichthyophthirius
 •  Lembadion

 •  Paramecium
 •  Pleuronema
 •  Tetrahymena  •  Urocentrum

Class Peritrichea
The peritrichs have a discoid anterior surface, wide oral opening surrounded by cilia. There is no cilia on the remaining parts of the body. Often on a stalk. Sometimes they have a lorica.

 •  Carchesium
 •  Epistylis
 •  Ophrydium
 •  Pyxicola

 •  Rhabdostyla
 •  Thuricola  •  Vorticella

Class Gymnostomea
Mouth placed at the anterior end, supported by trichites. Often predatory, can swallow a large prey.

 •  Amphileptus
 •  Coleps
 •  Dileptus
 •  Lacrymaria

 •  Litonotus
 •  Loxophyllum
 •  Tracheloraphis

Class Vestibulifera
They have a vestibule that leads to the mouth at its base. Cytostome supported by a clathrum of trichites .

 •  Colpoda

Class Suctorea
Predatory, sessile protozoa, equipped with sucking tentacles used for catching prey.

 •  Acineta

Class Hypostomea
Mouth is often supported by a cyrtos . Body cylindroid or ventrally flattened.

 •  Chilodonella

 •  Nassula

Class Hypotrichea
They have a flattened body and strong cirri on a ventral surface. Usually, the peristome is very large.

 •  Amphisiella
 •  Diophrys
 •  Euplotes
 •  Keronopsis

 •  Oxytricha
 •  Stichotricha
 •  Stylonychia
 •  Urostyla

Class Spirotrichea
They have an adoral zone of membranelles leading clockwise into the mouth. A diverse group.

 •  Blepharisma
 •  Spirostomum

 •  Stentor

Class Oligotrichea
Most of them lack cilia on the ovoid body, but they have distinct cilia around the adoral zone.

 •  Halteria

 •  Strombidium

Phylum Mastigophora

   Mastigophora (the Flagellates) are protozoans propelled by one or more flagella. Some exhibit pseudopodia. They usually reproduce asexually by binary fission, but some species reproduce sexually by syngamy.

Class Euglenea
Often have a red stigma at the anterior end and green chloroplasts. One or two flagella. Cell contains paramylum bodies.

 •  Anisonema
 •  Euglena
 •  Heteronema

 •  Peranema
 •  Phacus
 •  Trachelomonas

Class Chrysomonadea
Very small (usually up to 20 mm long), with one or two yellow or brown chloroplasts.

 •  Anthophysis

Class Dinoflagellea
Medium-size flagellates. They have two flagella: a circumferential one placed in a transverse groove - girdle, and a longitudinal one, placed in a posterior groove - sulcus. Many species have yellow-brown chloroplasts.

 •  Amphidinium

 •  Peridinium

Class Cryptomonadea
Small, free living flagellates, have chloroplasts or granules of starch (or different carbohydrates).

 •  Chilomonas

Class Kinetoplastida
Small flagellates with one or two flagella and a kinetoplast. Many species are parasitic.

 •  Leishmania

 •  Trypanosoma

Phylum Sarcodina

   The Sarcodina are a large groups of protozoans exhibiting pseudopodia - elongate cytoplasmic extensions that may participate in locomotion and in capturing food.

Class Actinopodea    
Sarcodina that have axopodia.

 •  Actinophrys

 •  Actinosphaerium

Class Cyclea
Individual cells that move and feed by means of "ameboid" movement. Can be naked or exhibit a test.

 •  Arcella
 •  Centropyxis

 •  Difflugia
 •  Rhizamoeba

Class Filoreticulosea
Order Filida
Mostly freshwater protozoa, with chitinous, external shells and nonradiate filopodia .

 •  Euglypha

Order Granuloreticulida
Mostly marine protozoa, including the Foraminiferina, which have calcalreous shells with many chambers.

 •  Spiroloculina

Order Radiolarida
Radiolaria are marine, pelagic organisms, exhibiting a complex endoskeleton, formed with silica, often radially symmetrical and very beautiful. The endoskeleton (central capsule) covers a nucleated part of the cell.

 •  Calocyclas
 •  Dictyoprora
 •  Eusyringium

 •  Heliodiscus
 •  Hexastylus
 •  Lithochytris

 •  Lophospyris
 •  Lychnocanoma
 •  Podocyrtis

 •  Thyrsocyrtis
 •  Xiphosphaera
 •  Xiphostylus

Phylum Opalinata


Class Opalinea

 •  Opalina

Phylum Sporozoa


Class Sporozoa

 •  Plasmodium

  droplet • Microscopy of the Protozoa Copyright © 2003-2008 Piotr Rotkiewicz  
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