Visualization Features
Visualization engine is a crucial part of Biodesigner. The visualization module allow for
fast manipulating and customizing the view of molecular data. Visit the picture gallery to
see examples of Biodesigner visualization capabilities. The Biodesigner visualization features include:
- OpenGL graphics support for high performance, high quality renderings
- The rendered pictures can be saved as bitmap or postscript (vector) images, or raytraced directly from the program
environment using POV-Ray
- Various atom rendering styles: wireframe, balls-and-sticks, cylinders, spheres, polygons, points
- Numerous protein backbone rendering styles: wireframe, cylinders, ribbons (flat, zigzag, and solid), strands, cartoon, tube, and ladder
- Different rendering styles can be combined together
- Flexible coloring schemes allow to highlight various structural features - a number of predefined schemes (e.g. residdum order, hydrophobicity,
secondary structure, etc.), or user defined colors and gradients can be used
- Advanced control over scene:
- background - solid or gradient
- lighting - up to 8 fully customizable lights
- projection - perspective or orthogonal
- special effects - depth cueing, motion blur, full screen